Friday, 6 February 2015

Fancy Friday: Text

Hey guys!

Today it is time for another Fancy Friday challenge.
This week the challenge is text and I decided to make a chalkboard with different kinds of text and doodles.
I also thought about doing newspaper nail art, but I did once before.

For the manicure I started off with a dark green base of Essie Going Incognito. Afterwards I freehanded the text and doodles with white acrylic paint and a small nail art brush. I finished with a matte top coat of Essie Matte About You.

While I write this blog post I realized I should have interpreted this challenge as text(ure) instead!
What do you guys think about this nail art? Let me know in the comments!

Stay polished.
- Louise

Remember to check out what the other girls created for this week's challenge down below!

Deltagere i Fælles Fredag. En gruppe af neglelak passionerede, som hver fredag følger en fælles udfordring inden for neglelak og negle art'ens verden.


Vi søger nye medlemmer i øjeblikket, så skriv en mail til hvis du vil være med. 

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.


  1. Fedt tænkt :D Det ser godt ud :)

  2. Det ligner næsten at du har brugt Ciates chalkboard penne :D Rigtig godt tænkt :)
