
Friday, 25 March 2016

Nails Inc Spray Can Shoreditch Lane

Hey guys!

Today I have a review of the new Nail Inc Spray Can spray nail polish in the color Shoreditch Lane!
Shoreditch Lane is a metallic silver spray.

The Spray Can works as follows:
1. Apply a base coat and allow to dry
2. Shake the polish and spray onto the nail from a distance of 10-15 cm
3. Apply top coat and allow to dry
4. Wash away excess polish with warm water and soap

As you can see the polish is pretty much all over the place (which actually looks kind of cool)!

Here it is after I washed away the excess polish with warm water and soap.

All in all I am positively surprised! I was really careful when applying the top coat, so the polish around the cuticle area was easy to wash away. The finish is awesome and almost mirror like! I did kind off fail on the middle finger though, but that was because I had to re-apply the polish and the base coat was not completely dry before I applied the spray polish.

Conclusively I will have to say that even though it is really cool to have a nail polish on spray, it is not worth it time-wise - it would be quicker just to apply normal polish. I knew all this going in, but I had to have it as a collectors item!

What do you guys think about the idea of nail polish as a spray? Hit or miss?
Let me know in the comments!

Stay polished.
- Louise


  1. Thing is.. you can't really say it's easier than applying normal nail polish, because the base layer still has to be applied manually and with care. So all of those who initially thought "WOW Finally something I can do because of shaky hands" or whatever.. still can't.

    But I do see some interesting possibilities in that you COULD do a sort of airbrushing with this.

    1. Excacly my thoughts! :D
      I would love to make some nail art with this, but I do think it is kind of hard, because it is a really big and 'hard' spray that comes out, so I think it is hard to do sort of intricate nail art such as airbrushing :)
